Thursday, January 20, 2011

Practice Makes Perfect


Although, Aiden could have been baptized in August he decided to wait until we were back in Arizona so that his family could be there. We were fortunate to be able to do it while we were home visiting for Christmas! He was so excited and prepared! I was so proud of him as I listened to him answer my mother's never ending questions about the purpose of baptism correctly! He truly has an understanding of what this ordinance means, why it is important and that he was personally making the choice to be baptized. I now have a better understanding of why our church completes this ordinance at 8 years old. While I have always thought this seemed a bit young to make such an important decision, Aiden has shown me that it is the perfect age!

On the day of the baptism he was getting ready to take a bath when he came in and told Trent that he should get in the bath with him so they could practice! He was concerned that he wouldn't hold his hand right or be able to plug his nose in time or that he would be held under too long! Trent obviously declined the practice in the bath but did show him on dry land!

Having a grandpa that owns a men's clothing store sure has it's advantages! Aiden was fitted for a very handsome 3 piece suit! He looked so grown up and adorable and I could tell he thought he looked pretty darn good too!

PhotobucketI am so glad that we decided to do the baptism in Arizona, as it was great to have our family and friends there to be apart of it. I was chosen by Aiden to give a talk on the Holy Ghost (which was not hard to write as you can easily Google an already written talk) and while I was nervous my nerves couldn't compare to Trent's! This was a big day for him as well, considering he had never performed these ordinances before! I wasn't sure what to expect when he gave Aiden a Blessing after his Confirmaiton and WOW was I pleasantly surprised and impressed. He is very quiet in all areas of his life but especially with his testimony of the gospel. He is not one to answer questions in Sunday School or to talk in church ever for that matter. But he gave Aiden the most beautiful, poignant and spiritually relevant blessing I have ever heard. It was so sincere and very clear to all in attendance that he was listening to the Spirit in order to say the things that needed to be said. I was just as proud of him as I was of Aiden that day. It was a testimony building expeirence that I was in need of and I love moments like that!

1 comment:

  1. Yay for Aiden! I am so proud of him! I'm sad I didn't end up seeing you while you guys were down here. When are you guys going to be out of South Africa?
