Friday, November 5, 2010


PhotobucketI frequently get asked by the locals, "where are you from?" and "what are you doing here?"! It's not everyday that they meet an American, seeing as we are not exactly a neighboring country. I always explain that my husband is working here, which always leads to the discussion of what does he do that would bring us all the way to South Africa. Even an explanation of "he installs power lines" does not usually suffice and then I have to provide a more detailed answer. What Trent and the 9 other American and Canadian linemen are doing here is really quite spectacular. They with only a small number of other lineman are trained to work on High Voltage power lines while they are still energized, allowing them to make repairs and replacements without having to shut off the power, which could effect thousands of people in the area. One of the coolest parts of Trent's role here (in my opinion) is that they are here to not only do energized line repairs and installations but to train the local lineman to do similar work.  If everything continues to go well they can have similar opportunities in other countries as well (sorry fam-this adventure may just have to continue).

PhotobucketWorking in a foreign country on a fairly new contract, definitely has it's challenges. There are lot's of kinks to work out and things don't always run smoothly.  Trent's patience has been tried, and I know that if the kids and I weren't here, he would have left a long time ago! While it's been a bit rocky he has had some really amazing work experiences that have hopefully made this all worth it.  Recently they had the opportunity to remove a damaged tower (while the power was on) and replace it. This was such a big deal, as it has never been done here before, that many of the lineman and higher ups at the local utility company came out to watch. Trent said it was pretty cool when as the tower was being removed (successfully thank goodness) everyone started clapping! I could tell he was quite proud of himself and his crew! I don't understand most of the jargon or what this job actually entails but I know it was a big deal and the pictures are very impressive.

PhotobucketAfter I finish telling someone what Trent does the next question I usually receive is "isn't that dangerous, aren't you scared for him"? Which I always respond with, "yes, I pray a lot and he has a very large life insurance policy!".

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